Food & Body Relationship 5 Day Challenge
Discover the joy in eating and make peace with food and your body.
Enroll now.
Are you struggling with knowing what to eat?
Do you feel guilt and shame around eating and your body?
Are your thoughts preoccupied with food, your body and health?
Then join the 5 day Food and Body Relationship challenge.
The challenge walks you through 5 key concepts that appear in the ‘How to Build a Positive Food Relationship’ e-book:
1. Normal Eating
2. Language
3. What Wonderful Things Your Body Can Do?
4. Mindfulness
5. Thoughts and Feelings
After the challenge is complete, you will have learned how to:
1/ Increase your awareness of your eating behaviours.
The benefits of increasing your eating behaviours awareness relates to identifying food shaming and disordered eating practises, and being able to move forward and find joy in eating and improve your relationship with food.
2/ Understand what eating normally looks like.
With this knowledge, you will be able to work towards eating normally.
3/ Bring awareness to body image and body shaming behaviours.
You will identify how body positive you are. From here you will be able to move forward and improve your relationship with your body.
4/ Develop an action plan to work on your eating and body issues.
You will work on reconnecting with your internal body cues (i.e. appetite) so you never diet again!
The benefits of all the above is increased health!!
The transformations from past clients have been amazing. These participants gained awareness around what they were eating, when they were were eating and started to see the joy in eating. They stopped feeling guilty about food and eating and gained a more positive outlook on their body and nutrition, with a greater focus on 'normal eating'. They viewed food differently. They started eating foods that they previously avoided for fear that that if was fattening.
The Results of Past Participants:
Nuzra said, "My husband is extremely impressed. He's been trying to get though to me for years and didn't know how. And the challenge did, it hit the nail on the head. Thank you!!"
Julie Skarstrom said, "I enjoyed the tasks each day and the mind change that I have experienced. I have regained my love of carrot juice in the morning and have bought new vegies to experiment to blend with. I am looking at food differently and instead of saying I can't eat that because it will put on weight I am enjoying it, for example....I really love the little tins of tuna with chilli, but they are in a little oil rather than brine or spring water. I would always stay clear of them because I worried that the oil would put on weight for me, but this week I enjoyed one of these little tins with a really great salad I made each night. I was thoroughly enjoying my lunch each day. I was also really surprised about the amount of fluid I was able to drink as well and not feel bloated at all. I did not weigh myself until this morning, purely out of curiousity because I felt lighter, and found that although I have eaten much much more than I would normally, I have lost at least 1kg. I am beginning to understand that you don't have to "diet" to loose weight.....your body will find it's own natural weight by eating intuitively."
Jenna Primmer said, "Thank you! I’ve decided to start the challenge over again this week! The challenge helped me to be proactive in improving my relationship with food and my body!! I hope to slowly day by day work on my mindfulness and knowledge in all things food/mind/body and health. The challenge motivated and inspired me to understand the importance of mindfulness!! My goal is for one day it to become habit and not a challenge to mindfully eat and because of the challenge and associated support, knowledge & guidance I believe it is possible!"
Belinda T said, "I found some real value in this and think a lot of other people would too. The content gave a good overall picture of what needs to be considered or achieved, whilst leaving me with a few things to work on or think about. The challenge left me feeling positive that there is a way to achieve balance in eating without making it a daily concern.Thank you!"
Tammy Angel said, "Thank you. I found the challenge really quite fascinating and made me ease up on myself and stop being so hard. I actually looked forward to the tasks each day and I might review the challenge again for revision."
Franca Belotti said, "I found the Food and Body Relationship Challenge helpful. I look at food differently and eat in moderation and know when to stop. I don't think food is our enemy, I think we are our own enemies!"
There are 2 Food and Body Relationship Challenge packages to choose from:
The Basic Package - $25 - For the cost of a cup of coffee a day, The Basic Package allows you to work on the challenge independently.
The Support Package - $190 - Includes a complimentary bonus of daily email support (1 email a day for 5 days). You will also receive 1 initial dietetic coaching consultation (either via home-visit or Skype), which can be organised for a time that suits you after you have completed the challenge.
If you too would like to transform your relationship with food and your body, this 5 day rinse and repeat challenge is for you. I will step you through how to non-diet by exploring mindset, as I present the concepts of normal eating, language, the wonderful things your body can do, mindfulness and thoughts and feelings. Enrol today for this life changing experience.
Please share this opportunity with your friends and family.
Your Instructor
Hi! I’m Natalie Thompson, a non-dieting Accredited Practising Dietitian passionate about inspiring positive changes in eating and lifestyle behaviours to help improve health whilst nurturing relationships with food and body. Discover the joy in eating and make peace with food and your beautiful body, whilst focusing on compassionately nourishing the mind, body and spirit.